First off, WHAT IS YELP?

Yelp Stock Ticker; NYSE: YELP

Yelp is a crowd-sourced website and mobile app Headquartered in San Fransisco, USA. However, it can be found in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Poland, Singapore, Switzerland, Turkey, The Netherlands, the UK, the US, and is continuing to expand.

It was created by two former employees of PayPal in 2004. Elon Musk (co-founder of Papal and SpaceX) sure knows how to pick his people!

Although most users browse to satisfy their food craving in searching for restaurants, Yelp provides reviews, guides, and tips for any activity you have in mind – Something that many people don't consider is how great of a community Yelp is!


Now that has your attention, the next question that typically arises is…


Any yelper has the ability to become elite! Consistently check-in wherever you are, write a review and in time, you'll get there. However, here are the correct steps:

1) Create an accurate profile.
2) Use a real name and clear profile picture.
3) Check-in and write reviews
4) Write even MORE reviews.
5) Interact with other Yelpers in real life and online.
6) Nominate yourself for elite (here) and wait!

Basically, update your info, the more accurate the better but can be entertaining answers as well. Be yourself and write reviews, good or bad, just be real.

"Yelpers can nominate themselves for the squad, or be nominated by their peers in the Yelp community. To become Elite, you agree that

  • You are using your real name on Yelp.
  • Have a clear photo of yourself as your primary photo.
  • Are of legal drinking age in your country.

"You also agree that you are NOT A business owner, closely affiliated with a business owner (spouses, GMs, social media/marketing managers, etc.) or working for one of our competitors. Any of these occurrences would represent a conflict of interest."

If you feel you meet these requirements, fill out the nomination form for the Yelp Elite Squad Council's consideration. Your overall contributions and recent activity on the site, as well as adherence to Yelps Terms of Service and Content Guidelines." –Directly from

The year is coming to close and you love being Yelp elite. Is there anything to do to keep the status? Every year, Yelp cycles out all elites, giving more opportunities for those that aspire to be one and are just loving Yelp!

It doesn't matter if you've been an elite for 7 years or 7 weeks, you will lose your elite status come the new year but you can nominate yourself and "apply" for elite status before the year ends. Don't worry, it's not that difficult in being approved. Just apply, wait, and if you are maintaining your yelp account by contributing to the community, you'll get approved most likely.

Is all this worth it to become Yelp elite? What's so great about being an elite?

Okay, so you finally got that shiny Yelp Elite badge, now what?
If you're a socialite, awesome! Yelp has a bunch of people that love to communicate. If you're an introverted foodie, go for the food! Who doesn't love, free, great tasting food? (Food and free will not always be the case).


When we first gained elite status, we didn't know anyone for the first couple events but the more involved you get, the more faces become recognizable and more smiles are shared. I had the misconception of people with no life do these things but Nah, these people are hard working, normal, everyday humans. In fact, you can make really great friends through elite while eating at new places, usually, for FREE!


Yelp Elite is entirely worth it! Small effort (fill out a profile and apply for elite status online), for a great reward (meet new people, eat great food, try new places). Even if you don't want to do anything with your status but brag, then, by all means, it's your choice! You have no obligation other than writing reviews every now and then of your experience at a place.

Let's be friends on Yelp!
Reid's Yelp
Mary's Yelp


Is Yelp Elite Worth It? What is Yelp Elite? How to be a Yelp Elite? |