Funny Lord of the Rings Jokes

I've been reading 'Lord Of The Rings' and apparently, Gollum was once a normal man, but wearing the ring drained him of his youth, energy and any joy in life... Must be the same ring I put on when I got married...

Funny Lord Of The Rings Jokes

Last night I dreamt that I wrote 'Lord of the Rings'. I realized I was just Tolkien in my sleep...

How did Bilbo survive the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy? Because old Hobbits die hard...

What's the title of Audi CEO? Lord of the Rings.

I went to a Lord of the Rings themed restaurant. The food was horribly authentic and the waitress was as uglier than an Orc, but I have to give her credit. There was a table of 12 and it only took her ... bring to gruel them all.

Lord of the Rings is symbolic of Marriage One ring rules your life, it slowly destroys you, and sometimes, death seems easier than continuing on.

"Lord of the Rings" had a better ending that "Game of Thrones" I guess that's what happens when the author writes it.

I had I dream I wrote The Hobbit, and Lord of the Rings trilogy. I was Tolkien in my sleep.

Last night, I had a dream that I wrote the Lord of the Rings books. My wife said I was Tolkien in my sleep.

I had a dream last night I invented Lord of the Rings. I was Tolkien in my sleep.

I had a dream last night that I was reading Lord of the Rings to people. Turns out I was just Tolkien in my sleep.

I wanted to tell a Lord of the Rings joke.... but all the good ones Aragorn

I was at a Lord Of The Rings themed disco last night. It was Mordor on the dance-floor.

I always found the Lord of the Rings trilogy a bit boring It's just a LOTR walking around

I dreamt once I wrote lord of the rings, it turns out I was just Tolkien in my sleep.

Why did the Lord of the Rings author get kicked out of the movie theatre. He was Tolkien all the way through.

whats the difference between lord of the rings and new york? two towers

What do you call an Irish snake in Lord of the Rings? Legolas

A Lord of the Rings Joke How did Mister Baggins know when his neighbor had died?

He read it in the Hobbituary.

"Aw man, who's going to agree to play Frodo in the Lord of the Rings movies?" "Elijah Would."

What is an accountant's favourite Lord of the Rings movie? The Return of the King

Lord of the rings An Elf, a Dwarf, and a Wizard walk into a bar.

The bartender says, "What is this, a joke?"

Bruce Willis has been cast to play the lead role in the upcoming Lord of the Rings sequel. Old Hobbits Die Hard.

Have you heard the one about The Lord Of The Rings? It's a long story.

What do you call the only black person in Lord of the Rings? The Tolkien minority

If Lord of the Rings starred Denzel Washington.... ...then at least there would be a Tolkien black guy.

Rumor has it Hollywood is casting Idris Elba for a Lord of the Rings reboot to promote diversity. Idris is playing the Tolkien Black Guy

Comparing Game of Thrones with The Lord of the Rings... I noticed a stark difference.

Lord of the rings must be about marriage Because when you put the ring on, you disappear

Why Lord of The Rings was shot in New Zealand? Because there are no Two Towers in U.S.A.

What do you call it when someone likes Lord Of The Rings way too much? A Bad Hobbit.

Why can't Americans watch Lord of the Rings? They don't have the Two Towers.

I wanted to do some role play, so I suggested my wife dress up as whatever character she wanted from Lord of the Rings. I came into the bedroom to find her dressed as Gandalf, and she said, "Show me the true meaning of haste, Shadowfax"

I don't read the Lord of The Rings books. I just keep them in my house as tolkiens.

The trees in Lord of the Rings were well versed in diseases. You might even call them flu-ent.

I was told I had a dream about writting the Lord of the Rings Turns out I Tolkien in my sleep

The US election is reminiscent of Lord of the rings A last stand of the people against an evil orange entity and its minions


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